22 October 2008

Myths and Fallacies

We were talking about the weather at school this morning. I strongly suspect that this is a topic of conversation which is savaged even more so than in England. I twittered that I'd heard that it gets so cold that a cup of thrown hot coffee will turn to ice. "Not at all," said one of the mums - phew! - "It turns to snow". Oh.

Bridgjo has volunteered me to be a member of the PTA - I may get voted in tomorrow night. I am writing my acceptance speech as we speak, as apparently no other bugger fancies doing it. As long as there is coffee involved. The Parent/Teachers meeting tomorrow is from 6pm - 8pm, but includes baby-sitting and pizza for the kids. I may need to smuggle some gin in.

This evening we put up the pumpkin fairy lights outside for T, and started carving her second pumpkin. I am heartily fed-up of pumpkin soup, although I have only made it once so far, from the remnants of the first pumpkin. I roasted it and pureed it with cream and Gruyere. I figure we need the calories for when the cold sets in.

We are taking Hallowe'en very seriously (although unfortunately the first bag of chocolate "treats" has already met an early demise....).

I did an hour's kick-boxing today. I kept trying to do it with my eyes closed (and falling over), so I didn't need to see my reflection stretching back to infinity, as I am completely unco-ordinated, and it kept reminding me of those reasons why I was always picked last for rounders.

T's and my names are down for ice-skating. T had said that she wanted to do it, then changed her mind and said she didn't. Bridgjo wanted to go along with what T said, but I feel she has sometimes far too much choice for a 5 year-old. She will do ice-skating, and love it! The rink is only about 5 mins away, but the next term doesn't start until January. It is in a little precinct next to the police-station. The speed-limit is 10k there, and, do you know, I keep exactly to that speed (now).

The school at the end of the road has two out-door rinks that they flood with water, although Andrea, who I had coffee with yesterday, said it gets a bit tufty with the grass underneath. I noticed flyers in the toilets at the rink for companies who can come round to your house and flood your back-yard with water to make it skateable.

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