22 October 2009

Mellow fruitfulness

So I harvested my potatoes. I got 5. I was a bit peeved whilst washing them that I lost two down the sink. The tomatoes got a final sprint on, but ended up suffering after the snow of last week, so had to be disposed of behind the shed. I think next year I will concentrate on pumpkins. No-one really likes to eat them, but they look good on your "stoop" this time of the year....T has already forced me to buy the Hallowe'en costume and to put out the decorations. This year, I am getting a remote control (or timer - depends which fits in the outdoor socket) so I don't have to nip out to turn the lights on/off. The decorations people put out for Christmas and Hallowe'en are quite amazing...there are even companies which will store and put up your house decorations each year.

This year she has decided to be a skeleton. It was either that or a zombie. The era of princesses has sadly passed. I am quite happy though - it just needs to be of a design and size big enough to go over her snow-suit for the Trick or Treatin'.

She squished her finger last night. Somehow, and we don't quite know the details, but "this coffee table suddenly fell" on her hand. I took her down to Urgent Care this morning and she was seen and X-rayed within 45 mins. Hurrah for the US!...and it's not broken, just bruised.

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