11 May 2009

Nuts to Money!

This is a shameless attempt to win a Kindle from Pertuity , so here goes:

My idea if I was given $25,000 dollars would be to set up a web-site to provide and handle a Cashless Scheme for Minnesota. Based on the idea of the informal baby-sitting circles, people would be able to barter and trade tokens (sometimes called nuts) for Talents. Eg 1 hr of baby-sitting = 1 car-wash.

In effect, it would be setting up a digital bank, allowing people to use artificial currency to provide and pay for services.

This anonymous money can be seen as a tax-free way of exchanging currency, whilst benefiting and supporting the local community.

Services would have to be vetted, and would not be allowed to be advertised anoymously so as to preserve what is the naïve base of the entire system.

People would be able to earn "money" doing what they do best, whilst knowing they were helping out others.

A sort of financial Nirvana, without the heavy rock music.

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