28 May 2009

It costs a lot of money to look this good....

Yes, today was the big day. Summer has arrived in Minnesota, no more so than in the House of Bridge, where it transpires this means "several hours at the salon". Bits were exfoliated and expilated as have never seen the light of day before. I may go crazy and buy a bikini (although when I showed bridgjo the one I liked the other week, he nodded sagely and said "Yes, you have to have a good figure to show that one off". He likes to help).

I also had my hair done by a very nice chap called Craig. I always like a man who calls me "dear" and cuts each hair individually. This time my hair was cut exactly how I wanted my hair to be cut last time. Result. I went to a shop afterwards and a lady said "Can I help you, Miss?". Money well spent.

I was very happy to run for 40 mins non-stop yesterday. This is quite an achievement for someone for whom the phrase "Half-Marathon" was an alternative name for "Fun-Sized Snickers".

Isabelle, my Swiss friend, is now my running buddy. She learnt English in Norwich and has quite a strong French accent, except now and again, in broad Norwichian she'll say something like "'Ang on, I just need a pee".

The meal the other night was a great success. I always gauge it by how much was left at the end (just enough for Mr Manners). The kids behaved too - at one point all eight were sitting on the one two-seater settee watching The Mummy.

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