23 April 2009

Book critic

So the stagiaire's arrived. She's very sweet, and tends to spend all her time in her room, scurrying mouse-like each time she hears a loud noise (ie frequently). Bridgjo managed to winkle her out of her room last night, and they spent a mutually enjoyable evening (apparently) improving each other's second language.

I went off to Town (someone else drove) to go to the Book club for the first time. I think I upset one or two, as they are all a bit younger than me, and very into Twilight, one of their previous books (yes, it's one of those book-clubs, although the wine seemed to be rationed, and there was no male strip-tease. Damn'). They asked me what I thought, so I said it was poorly written, atrocious grammar, obviously it had never been copy-read, and as tedious as taking tea in an old people's home, without the benefit of the distraction of a ticking clock. One of the girls piped up nervously "Well....you're entitled to your opinion".

T has parent-teacher conferences at school this week, so we have Thursday and Friday off. You would think that it could have dove-tailed nicely into a long Easter week-end instead. But, then, the weather is in the high 70s at least for today and tomorrow (and probably snow next week). We planted pansies...I feel so grown-up.

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