16 March 2009

Spring is here (possibley)

Last week was below zero F, and today was 62. T was amazed "and I went outside today to play, and I didn't wear a coat, gloves, scarf, hat OR snow-pants!!!!!". Straight after school we went to the park to play - a first for this year. We might well get more snow, but today at least I dreamt of outdoor cafes and even managed to shift three bags of leaves (deeply regretting allowing the snow to cover my laziness in November).

This weekend was the chocolate festival - which, as my Swiss friend here says "Isn't quite Swiss chocolate, hein?", but there was lots of selection, and stuff to try - lovely chilli and dark chocolate, and a rather perplexing mango and white chocolate. The people who go every year had it sussed, and took their own Tupperware containers for the samples.

Blessed as I am with a child who can do without chocolate, there was extra for us, and there is still quite a lot left in the fridge (I'll make it clear, in case you think the sugar rush went to my head, and I was kicking people out of the way, it's actually a bit pricey to get in, and the ticket is clipped each time you get a sample, so that you can't lift loads and then decide to sell the proceeds on eBay afterwards).

Tomorrow T has to wear green. Of course she does...Slainte!

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