09 December 2008

Too cold to snow, indeed

The phrase "too cold too snow" is obviously rubbish, with several polar-bears begging to differ up there in the North Pole. This morning, it was actually warmer in the fridge than in the kitchen itself. It has already plummeted to zero degrees FAHRENHEIT (I have to shout that bit, rather hysterically), which makes the snow too powdery to make snow-balls (apparently. As if I am that mad to go outside find out. Or rather, as if I have enough winter clothes to go outside to find out).

I had my first experience today of driving on the ice (note to self, do not attempt another U-Turn until April). A bit slippery, and I'm not too keen, but unlike in Switzerland, if I refuse to drive in the snow, we won't eat until, well, April.

On Sunday I managed to pull myself out of bed for the first time for mass at the local Catholic Church. They had a breakfast for the newcomers. I always like to get some font-time in at this time of the year....hedging my ecclisiastical bets, just in case.

Am I the only one though to giggle during the readings and wonder "Did the Corinthians ever write back?".

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