22 November 2008

So what's the weather like there, then?

Blimmin' cold.

Yesterday I went for a bike ride. Normally, you have to swim about 6 lengths before you really warm up and, similarly, cycle about 10 mins. So although I was repeating the rapidly rabid-sounding mantra of "I am getting warmer, I AM getting warmer", I realised I was not, in fact, warming up, and, actually, this was probably because I could no longer sense the upper-epidermis. And I wouldn't have been able to feel the upper-epidermis in any case, as my fingers were numb, and, as far as I was aware had even snapped off in the extreme cold and were rattling around in my so-called thermal gloves. Hah! I say to the Minnesota winter (from my nice warm living-room, in front of the fire).

So, most likely, not that much more excercise for me, unless it involves crisps and old episodes of Casualty.

Apparently last year it went down to -17F. Obviously, this was just one of the locals having a laugh with me, like they do. -17F, indeed.

Today though, we did brave the cold (0F) for a nice walk (although we were the only ones).

Tomorrow I am buying a balaclava. Unfortunately, not the Greek variety.

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