14 September 2009

Juut a bit off the Top

Two months have passed since my last trip to the salon (Juut). My time here is measured in hair-cuts - and time is especially whooshy at the moment. Summer went by (oh look, there it goes), without a By-Your-Leave it seemed. One minute I'm considering Mandarin Chinese as a perfectly acceptable summer past-time, and the next I'm off looking for suitable blue shorts. (As a By The Way, I am currently In Dispute with Target which appears to refuse to stock blue stockings for 6 year-olds, yet has padded bras for 7 year-olds).

So they (at Juut) were particularly enthusiastic when I rocked up last week, the hostess even bending at the waist to place her hands between her knees, looking at me with a fixed smile on her face and gushing "Oh, we are sooooo happy to have you with us again". As I am English, my response is generally "Umm...". This manic enthusiasm stems from their policy of attempting To Make Your Day, and each employee there is given the title of "Day-Maker". I think this means that they each have to compliment you on at least one thing. Seeing their collective stunned mullet faces last time I was there, I felt I was providing them with a challenge.

I had a facial this time - I am sooooo over exfoliation. Hurrah for long trousers and knitted bathing-costumes! I love facials as they always make me feel slightly stoned in a nice, legal sort of way. This one howerver seemed to involve her tapping a small gong every ten minutes (to make sure I was paying attention?), at which I began to snigger slightly more pig-like each time. By the time she starting massaging my nose, I almost felt that I should call someone up and explain why I was laughing so hard.

Next time I am thinking of going red. I am giving this some serious thought as I love the colour, but there is the risk that on a Thin Day I could look like a Swan Vesta, and on a Fat Day, a Cherry Bakewell.

At the weeke-end I went to a book-club girl's baby-shower. She is expecting twin boys, and one of her favourite gifts (not from me - I bought 100 nappies; "about 3 days' worth") was a packet of "Pee-pee Tee-Pees" - a small absorbent, towelling wigwam, to be draped over that part which shocks new mothers of baby boys at 3am in the morning.

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