11 June 2009

'Roid Rage

Having a bit of gyp with my spangly new crown, so toddled off to the dentist's yesterday to get it seen too. After 4 weeks I can still expect to "feel some discomfort", so he's prescribed me steroids. So for precisely 5 days I will be big and muscly, develop a penchant for spontaneously tearing phone directories in half and will insist on being called "Dave".

T went today, as, naturally, last thing last night she pointed out, after I told her about going to the dentists, that she herself had a tooth coming through. Behind her baby teeth at the front. At an angle. So off we went again (she was thrilled - an afternoon off school). He had a good look and said that we're to keep an eye on it, and if the bottom one doesn't come out in 10 days time, to go back and he'll do something to her tooth which I haven't yet discussed in detail with T just yet.

T doesn't mind - she thinks I'll be feeding her toffee to encourage it to come out so that the Tooth Mouse will visit.

He also said her top baby teeth are quite close together so might need "visit an orthodontist when the adult teeth move in" (American speak for "let's blow the inheritance on braces").

I've also had to order some new contact lenses. I have, theoretically if they actually arrive, got a good deal on them. Unusually none of the shops were interested in giving me any discount on a year's supply of lenses, but I immediately got a quote $180 cheaper on the inter-web. Technology is only great if it doesn't turn out to be a scam, of course.

I also spoke to the optician about having The Operation, ie Lasik. He is a practitioner himself (which makes him sound faintly pagan), but basically recommended that I didn't as I would exchange one pair of glasses for another, as it seems to encourage the early onset of "forgetting-where-I-put-my-sodding-reading-glasses-again" syndrome.

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