You would have thought it was Christmas Day on Saturday. A palpable excitement when a six year-old realizes that before the night is through she will be neck-deep in sweets.
We went around the shops in Wayzata, trick or treating first. I explained to people she was dressed as a Minnesotan, as we were actually saving the skeleton outfit for the evening, and it was really rather nippy. It was a great way of going into all the shops there without feeling you had to make a purchase.

Her friend came around at six in the evening so they could go out together. Last year the clocks must have gone back before Halloween, as I remember it being much darker. It was quite light still, and really too warm for a ski-jacket. In the picture, both of them have about 4 layers of clothes underneath, T's outfit was really for a 10 year-old, and she's looking distinctly porky.
They soon got into the swing of things, ringing the bells, bellowing trick or treat and diving into the proferred bowls of sweets.
I remember feeling very cool at 14 - however, walking behind two 14/15 year-olds on the way around, it was quite funny to hear one confide in the other "I'm goin' to eat all my candy as soon as I get in". Still little kids....
She ended up with more sweets than we started off with. Bridgjo didn't managed to see more than two minutes of his film at any one time with the number of kids which came round. Sadly, all the decorations, webs and lights have had to come down.....but only a few weeks till the next lot go up.
T's Hallowe'en haiku:
A time for getting scared
and sweets.
Thank you.
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