Yes, it is indeed the time of year a young man's fancy turns to spring, and a girl's more prosaically to "Well, what can I spend his money on now?"
In my case I have decided yet again to go short (hair, obviously). It is all a contrived plot on my part to get fit. I've got the clothes (too much spent in REI), the hair style - now I just need to fan the hidden flame of the desire for aching bones so I can actually be bothered to use that membership at the health club. I cannot find it in myself to criticise Americans, but you know, it really bugs me when all the parking spaces have been taken up closest to the entrance at the gym....
A little bit wary when I got at the hair-dressers, where I was greeted with "Have you come to have your hair cut? We are sooooo excited!". I am assuming here that this mad person actually worked there. At least, she brought me a cup of coffee when I said "Er. Yes. Tea?"
I had my teeth checked on Tuesday. As bridgjo mentioned, it's a bit like waterboarding (which I am reliably informed is something harsher than water-skiing), as they no longer use the "public spittoon" but insert a vast array of hard-ware into your mouth for hosing out, and sucking up. Quite unpleasant. I now have sparkly teeth - although she told me I drank too much tea (as if).
I went to T's school today to sit in with the class. One of the songs they sung was Savez-vous plantez les choux?) (do you know how to plant cabbages - quite a serious French subject, and not to be mocked). As you can see from the link, the idea is that the children learn parts of the body, by tapping fingers, knees, elbows, feet etc on the ground as they pretend to plant the cabbages. Great hilarity (bearing in mind they are 5) ensued when the prof asked "What shall we plant with?", and they all suggested "Ventre! Fesses!". Not really one for the video library.
PS I am having geek-type fun with the labels on my posts - they are used to identify the adverts placed at the side. I am starting to enter words just to see what comes up. See it as evidence of my puckish sense of IT humour.
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